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Barrett Named to the Order of the Cascaron

Former El Rey Feo and former Fiesta Commission President Charles Barrett has been chosen for induction into the Order of the Cascaron.

His first involvement with Fiesta was in 2000 when he filled the role of the U. S. Coast Guard’s representative to San Antonio’s civic celebration. A little more than a decade later he raised a then-record $310,000 for LULAC Council #2’s Scholarship Fund which earned for him the honor of serving as El Rey Feo LIV during Fiesta 2002. During the succeeding two years, as Regent for what is now the Consejo Educational Foundation, he incorporated the organization and obtained its 501 (c) (3) tax status.

First serving on the FSAC Executive Committee as Presidential Appointee in 2005, he then held the successiveoffices of Secretary, Treasurer, President Elect and President from 2006 through 2009.

During his presidency Charles changed Fiesta’s traditional Friday morning opening ceremony into Thursday evening’s highly popular “Fiesta Fiesta” which, because of its timing, allows many more event organizers and participants to attend. Further, his support and individual efforts have benefited a broad array of Fiesta organizations, events, and key individuals.

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